“I’m headed out west with my headphones on, boarded a flight with a song in the back of my soul, and no one knows” — The first words crooning out of John Mayer, the recently proclaimed “new man,” at Walnut Creek Amphitheatre last Friday night, September 5. Jordan Mareno, Leesville junior and concert attendee, said,…

Slow dancing with John Mayer

Mayer overlooks the sea of indie-rockers who came out to Walnut Creek Amphitheatre Friday night. For most, this was the first time hearing Mayer live since his second throat surgery in August 2012.

“I’m headed out west with my headphones on, boarded a flight with a song in the back of my soul, and no one knows” — The first words crooning out of John Mayer, the recently proclaimed “new man,” at Walnut Creek Amphitheatre last Friday night, September 5.

Jordan Mareno, Leesville junior and concert attendee, said, “I like[d] him because he didn’t act like he was John Mayer, the greatest man on earth; he was just up on stage, giving a show for his fans.”

Sitting under the pavilion definitely came with its perks, but the most action was on the lawn. Even Mayer noticed it. “When you’re at a concert, nothing matters but having a good time,” Mayer said. He encouraged the audience to “dance like no one is posting on your profile.”

Mayer was surprisingly gracious, stopping to thank the crowd numerous times for coming out.  Telling them “none of this would be possible without each and every one of you.” Like most singer-songwriters, he gave a few life lessons; justifying his past controversial actions and explaining the root of heartbreak most of his songs grew from.

Playing for a little over two hours, Mayer finished with a song from his Born and Raised album, “Something Like Olivia,” and the most anticipated, “Gravity.” Cheering fans brought him back to the stage to end the night with “Lost at Sea” and “If I Ever Get Around to Living,” which seemed for Mayer an anthem for his redemption not only as an artist, but as a man.

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