Leesville hosted its annual community night Wednesday, Oct. 9. Festivities included a club carnival, a student-teacher basketball game and food trucks. Students and teachers participated in various activities and games available at the club carnival.
Adam Ryle, senior, greeted people and collected money upon arriving at the Latin Club booth. “If you pay a dollar, you get to throw four bean bags at the hole in our wooden cornhole Caesar. If you get all four in, you win a T-shirt and a candy bar, or if you get two in you just win the candy bar,” said Ryle.
Unlike last year, the club booths crowded the inner lobby of Leesville. Each club set up booths with different games to raise money for their organizations and goals.
David Robinson, Leesville computer and drafting teacher, represented the Career and Technical Education booth. “We’re raising money for Skills USA, [organization which strives to prepare students for the workforce], DECA and FBLA with our Skills Shot basketball booth. For one dollar, you could win a prize if you make two shots in a row.”
Emma Berg, Leesville sophomore, represented the Family Consumer Science classes, and described the FCCLA booth as, “A one dollar deal for a lot of fun dressing up. It’s a fun way to bond with and meet new people.”
Berg’s sentiment captures the essence of community night; participating in games with new and old friends to both have fun and support the Leesville community.
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