The Leesville varsity co-ed cheerleading team officially began their season August 4 when teams were selected after the tryout process.
The varsity co-ed team traveled to a team bonding and skill building camp the week after tryouts. The Spirit Xpress cheerleading camp was held at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. For three days, the team worked hard to improve current skills, learn new ones and to work together as a team.
In order to become closer, the cheerleaders have team sleepovers and spend time with each other outside of school and practice. The team is larger than it has been in the past with twenty-three members. By bonding, the cheerleaders are able to work well on and off the mat.
This season for the team is different from past years. Compared to past seasons, the team has boys for both football and basketball season.
“[The boys] make the team better,” said Conner Sutherland, senior cheerleader. All five boys and eighteen girls on the team have been working hard to prepare for games and the upcoming competition season.
The cheerleaders have begun organizing and practicing their routine for competitions in the near future. The first competition that they will attend is November 8 at Sanderson High School.
“We really want to win States this year. That would be our biggest goal,” said Sutherland. The NCHSSA Cheerleading competition is scheduled for November 16 at the Raleigh Convention Center.
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