Teamwork is everything

Michael Jordan once said, “Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.”

While they may not be trying to win a championship, for the 2014 Leesville Varsity Volleyball team the main focus is improving their teamwork each day.

Señiorita Hensler, the coach of the volleyball team, said, “It is definitely beneficial to have the girls getting along so they can all work together towards one goal.” Hensler also disclosed that she did not incorporate any specific team building activities into her practices; the girls were able to “click naturally.”

The upperclassmen on the volleyball team have decided to go off together for lunches on game days as a type of bonding.  Any player who is able to go can enjoy pasta and other pre-game snacks at one of their teammate’s houses.

During Labor Day weekend, some of the players took a quick trip to Carowinds to bond and have some fun before the majority of their conference games were played.

“[Being close teammates] helps us act more of a team. So once we get on the court, we play as a unit,” said Jenna Lyon, junior. Teenage girls can rarely get by with no drama, especially when things are competitive, but the volleyball team manages to have limited dilemmas.

Sydney Wilson, sophomore, confirmed that “The team is closer than during my freshman year.  We can work better together now.”

“We all love being together and playing what we love to do,” said Lyon.

The team can agree with her that it is easier to play when everyone is acting as a team.

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