Lynda Roszko has embarked on yet another summer voyage. This time, instead of a foreign country, Roszko has stayed back to focus on Computer Science.
Instead of Computer Science 1, 2, 3 and 4, Leesville Road High School is now offering Computer Science Principles for the first time ever this semester.
“It’s completely different because you were actually using computer languages to code. [CS Principles] is more ‘drag and drop’ where the code is already behind the…symbols,” Roszko said. “It’s not just coding anymore; there’s a lot more to it.”
Roszko spent 200 hours the past summer studying in preparation to teach the course. She is one of three people teaching CS Principles in the state and one of 40 teachers in the country.
When asked why she enjoys the particular course, Roszko said, “It’s not even like a job half the time. It’s just fun doing it. It’s fun seeing the light bulbs go off and kids create new things and try to figure out how they’re doing them…It’s not like math where you learn one process and everybody does the same thing. Here they can do it any way they want to get it working.”
The future looks exciting for CS Principles. Once tested, it will be offered as a year-long, AP course for the next school year.
“I think the future AP class will be very valuable in…getting [future students] more in depth into the subject,” J.J. Oehler said. “I think that anyone interested should seize the opportunity.”
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