Applying to college can be very stressful. Seniors at Leesville Road High School are striving for excellence as they apply to the colleges of their choice.
Senior year is supposed to be easy, right? Well it’s not as easy as it is said to be. Between juggling classes, senior anthology and extracurriculars there is very little time left to focus on applications.
Allison Boegel, class of 2015, said, “The earlier you apply to college the better because the sooner you find out and the less work you have to do with your schoolwork. It’s basically like taking five classes instead of four to fill out the applications, essays and to get teacher recommendations.”
Many students have a deadline of November 1, 2014 for their applications, but some, for example those applying to ECU, have a later deadline of March 1, 2015 for the 2015 fall semester in their college of choice.
Toney-Paite Phillips, class of 2015 said, “It definitely is crazy with trying to apply to all these schools, but it’s exciting to have the opportunity to go farther away…” about applying to multiple colleges across the United States.
According to a poll on, 9 of the 35 students who answered are applying to NC State University, 9 are applying to University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and 7 are applying to Appalachian State University. These schools are high on the list of top North Carolina Schools and high on the lists of Leesville Road High School students’.
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