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Leesville Road High School
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Homecoming Week 2024 for Leesville
Alec Way, senior staff writer 2014-2015
Mad Max: Fury Road, still furious
Alec Way, senior staff writer 2014-2015
May 26, 2015
Revisiting Good Morning Vietnam
Alec Way, senior staff writer 2014-2015
May 7, 2015
Furious 7 and the future of the franchise
Alec Way, senior staff writer 2014-2015
April 16, 2015
Obama suggests mandatory voting
Alec Way, senior staff writer 2014-2015
April 8, 2015
Cold war kids: Lessons of Vietnam students play Twilight Struggle
Alec Way, senior staff writer 2014-2015
March 20, 2015
Leesville speech and debate returns to Enloe after one year of competing
Alec Way, senior staff writer 2014-2015
March 2, 2015
Boomerang by Michael Lewis
Alec Way, senior staff writer 2014-2015
March 2, 2015
Stun guns and philosophy
Alec Way, senior staff writer 2014-2015
February 23, 2015
Filing the FAFSA
Alec Way, senior staff writer 2014-2015
February 5, 2015
Enter Shikari
Alec Way, senior staff writer 2014-2015
February 3, 2015
Analyzing Interstellar: The power of the visual medium
Alec Way, senior staff writer 2014-2015
January 22, 2015
The Colbert Report, a lasting legacy
Alec Way, senior staff writer 2014-2015
January 22, 2015
The Review: The Interview reviewed
Alec Way, senior staff writer 2014-2015
January 9, 2015
Executive Council reigns in the holiday cheer
Alec Way, senior staff writer 2014-2015
December 19, 2014
Reasons not to vote
Alec Way, senior staff writer 2014-2015
December 15, 2014
Leesville to join the National Speech and Debate Association
Alec Way, senior staff writer 2014-2015
December 10, 2014
Leesville raises record amount for JDRF
Alec Way, senior staff writer 2014-2015
November 6, 2014
Gmail adding new service
Alec Way, senior staff writer 2014-2015
October 28, 2014
Nancy McFarlane speaks at Leesville
Alec Way, senior staff writer 2014-2015
October 21, 2014
Teachers on Twitter, according to teachers
Alec Way, senior staff writer 2014-2015
October 8, 2014
Smart lunch: killing club life
Alec Way, senior staff writer 2014-2015
October 8, 2014
Blood drive preview
Alec Way, senior staff writer 2014-2015
September 24, 2014
Exec Council talks JDRF
Alec Way, senior staff writer 2014-2015
September 10, 2014
Pride Launch welcomes freshmen, makes transition easier
Alec Way, senior staff writer 2014-2015
September 3, 2014
Political Club politics
Alec Way, senior staff writer 2014-2015
June 2, 2014
Community college: no longer a stereotype
Alec Way, senior staff writer 2014-2015
May 22, 2014
Red Hat uncages downtown Raleigh
Alec Way, senior staff writer 2014-2015
May 20, 2014
“OMW over stay calm”: Texting 911
Alec Way, senior staff writer 2014-2015
May 20, 2014
Cows, tortoises and guns; a cautionary tale for modern America
Alec Way, senior staff writer 2014-2015
May 8, 2014
Loonies to Lawyers
Alec Way, senior staff writer 2014-2015
May 7, 2014
Dictators debate who’s most dastardly
Alec Way, senior staff writer 2014-2015
April 16, 2014
APUSH pushes students for early exam prep
Alec Way, senior staff writer 2014-2015
April 10, 2014
PrideFest perspective: Why you should want it to continue
Alec Way, senior staff writer 2014-2015
March 28, 2014
Flying burrito passes with flying colors
Alec Way, senior staff writer 2014-2015
March 21, 2014
Political club clashes on controversial conflicts
Alec Way, senior staff writer 2014-2015
March 14, 2014
Leesville speech and debate debuts at Enloe tournament
Alec Way, senior staff writer 2014-2015
February 19, 2014
Duvall leaves Leesville for Hunter
Alec Way, senior staff writer 2014-2015
February 4, 2014
American Hustle bamboozles box office
Alec Way, senior staff writer 2014-2015
January 10, 2014
Exec takes the cake
Alec Way, senior staff writer 2014-2015
January 10, 2014
Pride Way 3-way stop: how about not
Alec Way, senior staff writer 2014-2015
December 17, 2013
Celebrate the last night of the year with Raleigh’s First Night
Alec Way, senior staff writer 2014-2015
December 17, 2013
Russell Brand rages against the machine
Alec Way, senior staff writer 2014-2015
November 18, 2013
Speech and debate observes first tournament
Alec Way, senior staff writer 2014-2015
November 18, 2013
Captain Phillips Splashes on Scene
Alec Way, senior staff writer 2014-2015
October 31, 2013
Brand new bathrooms!
Alec Way, senior staff writer 2014-2015
October 31, 2013
Leesville’s fall blood drive is a bloody success
Alec Way, senior staff writer 2014-2015
October 22, 2013
Leesville’s first food trucks find fecund fruition
Alec Way, senior staff writer 2014-2015
October 22, 2013
BuzzFeed Buzzes Onto the Scene
Alec Way, senior staff writer 2014-2015
October 14, 2013
NHS Induction Ceremony Lights the Path for Inductees
Alec Way, senior staff writer 2014-2015
October 14, 2013
Recycling: A Critique
Alec Way, senior staff writer 2014-2015
September 18, 2013
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