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Leesville Road High School
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Homecoming Week 2024 for Leesville
Grace Harvey, senior editor, 2011-12
Political Club holds food drive
Grace Harvey, senior editor, 2011-12
May 24, 2011
Spring chorus concert
Grace Harvey, senior editor, 2011-12
May 19, 2011
Scotty McCreery’s homecoming: “Garner’s proudest moment”
Grace Harvey, senior editor, 2011-12
May 16, 2011
Leesville students selected for Governor’s School
Grace Harvey, senior editor, 2011-12
May 4, 2011
Leesville track team competes in Cap-8 Conference Championship
Grace Harvey, senior editor, 2011-12
May 2, 2011
The future of education
Grace Harvey, senior editor, 2011-12
April 13, 2011
Griffin and Kimmerly succeed at States
Grace Harvey, senior editor, 2011-12
March 24, 2011
“Weapons of mass destruction”
Grace Harvey, senior editor, 2011-12
March 1, 2011
Leesville hosts blood drive
Grace Harvey, senior editor, 2011-12
February 22, 2011
State of the Union: Education
Grace Harvey, senior editor, 2011-12
February 7, 2011
Christmas tacky is always in style
Grace Harvey, senior editor, 2011-12
January 5, 2011
The modern school system transforms students into cynics
Grace Harvey, senior editor, 2011-12
December 13, 2010
“Doing school:” Rethinking the system of modern education
Grace Harvey, senior editor, 2011-12
December 9, 2010
Mens’ cross country 5th in state
Grace Harvey, senior editor, 2011-12
November 15, 2010
Runner’s bladder: nothing to be ashamed of
Grace Harvey, senior editor, 2011-12
November 12, 2010
Doing school: resume building
Grace Harvey, senior editor, 2011-12
November 9, 2010
National SAVE Day
Grace Harvey, senior editor, 2011-12
November 1, 2010
Sports teams added to Homecoming parade
Grace Harvey, senior editor, 2011-12
October 22, 2010
Homecoming lame, but that’s ok
Grace Harvey, senior editor, 2011-12
October 22, 2010
Easy A
easily earns an “A”
Grace Harvey, senior editor, 2011-12
October 8, 2010
Cross Country defeats Enloe
Grace Harvey, senior editor, 2011-12
September 8, 2010
LRHS hosts ninja fight
Grace Harvey, senior editor, 2011-12
June 7, 2010
JV Women’s Soccer tries to uphold varsity standard
Grace Harvey, senior editor, 2011-12
June 7, 2010
LRHS track succeeds individually at Cap-7
Grace Harvey, senior editor, 2011-12
June 7, 2010
Ms. Fussell leaves due to budget cuts
Grace Harvey, senior editor, 2011-12
June 2, 2010
ITS hazing tradition
Grace Harvey, senior editor, 2011-12
May 24, 2010
Pollen pollutes lives of students
Grace Harvey, senior editor, 2011-12
April 22, 2010
High Level Spanish Classes Prove Rewarding
Grace Harvey, senior editor, 2011-12
April 16, 2010
Halpern raises money for Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
Grace Harvey, senior editor, 2011-12
March 23, 2010
Leesville v. Sanderson Track Meet
Grace Harvey, senior editor, 2011-12
March 20, 2010
Marrying for Money
Grace Harvey, senior editor, 2011-12
March 8, 2010
Sanderson to Host College Fair
Grace Harvey, senior editor, 2011-12
March 5, 2010
Indoor Track State Championship Meet
Grace Harvey, senior editor, 2011-12
March 5, 2010
Snow Make-Up Days Disrupt Students’ Plans
Grace Harvey, senior editor, 2011-12
March 1, 2010
Cap-7 Swim Meet
Grace Harvey, senior editor, 2011-12
February 9, 2010
Theme of Friendship Spans Generations
Grace Harvey, senior editor, 2011-12
January 26, 2010
Top 10 Reasons to take Newspaper
Grace Harvey, senior editor, 2011-12
January 26, 2010
Tis’ the season to say…?
Grace Harvey, senior editor, 2011-12
December 20, 2009
Opinions Differ on Student Teachers
Grace Harvey, senior editor, 2011-12
December 9, 2009
Leesville Thanksgiving Traditions
Grace Harvey, senior editor, 2011-12
November 30, 2009
Senior Band Leadership
Grace Harvey, senior editor, 2011-12
October 30, 2009
Stop Complaining
Grace Harvey, senior editor, 2011-12
October 19, 2009
9-out-of-10 Campaign Clears Misconceptions about Teens
Grace Harvey, senior editor, 2011-12
October 15, 2009
Men’s Cross Country Sweeps Enloe
Grace Harvey, senior editor, 2011-12
September 15, 2009
Female Runner’s Gender Questioned
Grace Harvey, senior editor, 2011-12
September 8, 2009
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