The Mycenaean
Leesville Road High School
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Homecoming Week 2024 for Leesville
Katy Huis, Editor-in-Chief
Students meet “A Matter of Pride”
Katy Huis, Editor-in-Chief
May 30, 2012
Palpant brings humility to Salutatorian role
Katy Huis, Editor-in-Chief
May 25, 2012
Leesville graduates achieve greatness
Katy Huis, Editor-in-Chief
May 25, 2012
A preview of senior events
Katy Huis, Editor-in-Chief
May 5, 2012
“Night Under the Big Top” to be a big time
Katy Huis, Editor-in-Chief
April 26, 2012
Pollen coats Leesville; students complain
Katy Huis, Editor-in-Chief
March 29, 2012
AP testing returns to Leesville this spring
Katy Huis, Editor-in-Chief
March 19, 2012
Chris Hendricks takes the hearts of Leesville students
Katy Huis, Editor-in-Chief
March 9, 2012
Huis expects Hogwarts, finds Hell
Katy Huis, Editor-in-Chief
February 29, 2012
The Vow
doesn’t wow
Katy Huis, Editor-in-Chief
February 23, 2012
JoeVan Loco’s is poppin’
Katy Huis, Editor-in-Chief
February 23, 2012
Winterfest court prepares to shine
Katy Huis, Editor-in-Chief
February 23, 2012
Women bring home the bacon
Katy Huis, Editor-in-Chief
February 23, 2012
Facebook introduces timeline feature
Katy Huis, Editor-in-Chief
January 11, 2012
Leesville band fights for $25,000
Katy Huis, Editor-in-Chief
December 19, 2011
New and old DECA members succeed in competition
Katy Huis, Editor-in-Chief
December 8, 2011
Paterno scandal invokes ignorance
Katy Huis, Editor-in-Chief
November 15, 2011
“American Horror” pleases and scares
Katy Huis, Editor-in-Chief
November 14, 2011
Has honesty gone too far?
Katy Huis, Editor-in-Chief
November 14, 2011
WFR @ LRHS Preview
Katy Huis, Editor-in-Chief
October 27, 2011
Page Farms ensures fall fun
Katy Huis, Editor-in-Chief
October 27, 2011
State fair to grace Raleigh this October
Katy Huis, Editor-in-Chief
October 4, 2011
“She said” on cheating
Katy Huis, Editor-in-Chief
October 4, 2011
Vote for Leesville in the student section showdown
Katy Huis, Editor-in-Chief
October 4, 2011
Younglife students get down and dirty
Katy Huis, Editor-in-Chief
October 4, 2011
Leesville hosts fall blood drive
Katy Huis, Editor-in-Chief
September 29, 2011
Scholarship given in Mr. Murphy’s honor
Katy Huis, Editor-in-Chief
September 6, 2011
Confessions of a Jewish guy’s girlfriend: part two
Katy Huis, Editor-in-Chief
May 24, 2011
The “It Gets Better” project inspires
Katy Huis, Editor-in-Chief
May 16, 2011
Child actors grace Leesville
Katy Huis, Editor-in-Chief
May 5, 2011
Vote for Leesville’s anti-littering video
Katy Huis, Editor-in-Chief
March 24, 2011
Confessions of a Jewish guy’s girlfriend – Part 1
Katy Huis, Editor-in-Chief
March 22, 2011
Exotic pets: Way cooler than dogs
Katy Huis, Editor-in-Chief
March 11, 2011
Facebook now gay-friendly
Katy Huis, Editor-in-Chief
March 1, 2011
Day at the museum
Katy Huis, Editor-in-Chief
February 22, 2011
AP exam registration approaching
Katy Huis, Editor-in-Chief
February 22, 2011
Exam schedule changes to come
Katy Huis, Editor-in-Chief
February 11, 2011
High School Musical
: Cliche but valuable
Katy Huis, Editor-in-Chief
February 7, 2011
Griffin rises through the wrestling ranks
Katy Huis, Editor-in-Chief
January 18, 2011
Katy Huis, Editor-in-Chief
December 13, 2010
Leesville’s mean girls: not so mean after all
Katy Huis, Editor-in-Chief
December 3, 2010
Online identity theft: it really happens
Katy Huis, Editor-in-Chief
December 3, 2010
Fro yo at Yo Mo
Katy Huis, Editor-in-Chief
November 23, 2010
Leesville swimmers try out for team
Katy Huis, Editor-in-Chief
November 15, 2010
Hickey phenomenon sucks the life out of Leesville
Katy Huis, Editor-in-Chief
November 12, 2010
Shish Kabob: a new lunch destination
Katy Huis, Editor-in-Chief
November 12, 2010
Sixteen Candles
compares to Leesville
Katy Huis, Editor-in-Chief
October 25, 2010
Rockbridge strengthens Leesville students’ faith
Katy Huis, Editor-in-Chief
October 25, 2010
The Mycenaean’s
biggest fan: a tribute
Katy Huis, Editor-in-Chief
October 22, 2010
Leesville goes all out for Spirit Week
Katy Huis, Editor-in-Chief
October 18, 2010
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