The Mycenaean
Leesville Road High School
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Homecoming Week 2024 for Leesville
Laura Della Badia, staff writer
Altered Reality
Laura Della Badia, staff writer
May 28, 2013
Executive Council Seniors 2012-2013 saying farewell
Laura Della Badia, staff writer
May 28, 2013
Leesville students hunt for jobs at the fair
Laura Della Badia, staff writer
May 8, 2013
Technology taking over Leesville Road High School
Laura Della Badia, staff writer
April 9, 2013
What if we chose our own class schedules?
Laura Della Badia, staff writer
April 9, 2013
Literature comes to life through traveling scenes
Laura Della Badia, staff writer
March 25, 2013
Meet the broadcasting team
Laura Della Badia, staff writer
March 19, 2013
Safe Haven Sparks flames
Laura Della Badia, staff writer
March 7, 2013
Beautiful Creatures casts a spell on movie viewers
Laura Della Badia, staff writer
March 7, 2013
Beaded necklaces, King Cakes and plastic babies
Laura Della Badia, staff writer
March 1, 2013
The hardships of being a legal adult
Laura Della Badia, staff writer
February 1, 2013
The surprises of college
Laura Della Badia, staff writer
January 23, 2013
Last minute Christmas shopping wars: how to avoid it
Laura Della Badia, staff writer
January 8, 2013
Traditions and memories of the winter holidays
Laura Della Badia, staff writer
January 8, 2013
Senior anthologies: maybe it’s more than useless work
Laura Della Badia, staff writer
January 8, 2013
Sleeping and driving threatens lives
Laura Della Badia, staff writer
January 8, 2013
Supporting juvenile diabetes research
Laura Della Badia, staff writer
November 20, 2012
Movie, meal and madness
Laura Della Badia, staff writer
November 8, 2012
Saving lives through knowledge and experience
Laura Della Badia, staff writer
October 29, 2012
Leesville Olympic Games
Laura Della Badia, staff writer
October 2, 2012
Pride TV: Behind the pride
Laura Della Badia, staff writer
October 1, 2012
The new voice, 18 year-olds voting
Laura Della Badia, staff writer
September 25, 2012
Allergy Season Peaks And Evolves
Laura Della Badia, staff writer
September 24, 2012
Homecoming hangout
Laura Della Badia, staff writer
September 24, 2012
Creating actors
Laura Della Badia, staff writer
September 11, 2012
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